9 Interesting Facts About Honey
Honey is remarkably rich sweet golden fluid produced by honey bees from the nectar collected from flowers. Since ancient times, people recognized honey’s taste and health-promoting effect. Honey was valued as the only sweetener long before sugar became widely available.
Interesting facts about honey #1
Sugar has harmful effect on a human body and contributes to all sorts of diseases. Honey is a healthier alternative to sugar.
Interesting facts about honey #2
Raw honey has unique health and nutritional profits that you might not be aware of. It is recognized worldwide as a healing ingredient in medicinal treatment. But what are the nutritional benefits of honey?
• Honey is an excellent cough medicine that relieves irritation in your mouth or throat by forming a protective film.
• Honey has antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidants activities that make it ideal for treating wounds.
• Honey provides energy over a longer duration before or after a workout.
• Honey can activate your immune system and over time can build up your natural immunity against allergy symptoms.
Interesting facts about honey #3
There are more than 300 different types of honey in the United States, each with a unique flavor, taste and color depending on flowers where the bees collect nectar, but also on a climate, season and race of the bee. And the most popular are Eucalyptus Honey, Acacia honey, Dandelion Honey, Almond blossom honey, Rosemary Honey, Alfalfa honey, Sourwood Honey, Manuka Honey, Blueberry honey, Buckwheat honey, Clover honey, Japanese bamboo honey, Knapweed honey, Amorpha Honey, Linden honey, Mountain honey, Meadow honey, Sage Honey, Lavender Honey.
And what is the best honey for you, find out on your own by trying different bee products
Interesting facts about honey #4
Honey attracts and retains moisture, making it an ideal addition to shampoos, lotions, and conditioners. Along with its antimicrobial properties, honey makes a wonderful addition to homemade personal care products.
Interesting facts about honey #5
Honey is the only natural edible product that consists of all the substances necessary to sustain life, including vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and water. It’s also the only natural edible product that contains pinocembrin that improves brain functioning.
Interesting facts about honey #6
Honey stored in airtight containers never spoils. So you can keep it for ages!
Interesting facts about honey #7
What is honey good for in the body? There are several parasites that can invade the human body and cause illness. Mix equal parts of honey, vinegar, and water, drink it and you will kill off these parasites.
Interesting facts about honey #8
Bees not only collecting pollen to produce honey, but also pollinate flowers and crops that produce nearly 1/3 of all food eaten in America. Many plants rely on bees in order to be pollinated and without this pollination, the environment and the economy in the US would suffer greatly.
Interesting facts about honey #9
1 honey bee produces about 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime, which is about 6 weeks. And 1 beehive of honey bees produces up to 150kg of eating honey per year.